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Nail your Niche & Know your Ideal Client

The Niche & Ideal Client Workshop Bundle
Time to break through the myths of niching down &
break through the blocks to reaching your next level of success!
The NIC Workshop is a multi-session program focused on gaining clarity for you & your business -
helping you to nail your Niche and to profile & know
your Ideal Client almost better than they know themselves!
"high performance begins with clarity"
                                                    -brendan burchard
2020-02-25 Nicole Colwell Edits Pt. 2-1.

I'm Nicole...

Strategic Mindset Coach & Business Mentor for Entrepreneurs

I work with serious, ambitious entrepreneurs to build strong foundations and to break through blocks while building a prosperous business and life.


After ~25 years professional experience, primarily in the IT industry running major global deals, launching new businesses and over 10 years of performance coaching - I knew that I wanted more. I wanted to bring my experience, along with my entrepreneurial spirit and strategic mindset to help others.


I launched my own coaching/advisory practice, Strategienne, to work with high performers who want to design their own lives and build prosperous businesses to support their goals and dreams.


I live for my clients' wins and success stories and designed my NIC with Nicole Workshop with that in mind - working with my clients to gain much needed clarity in their business to achieve the highest levels of success.

"there is nothing quite as intense as the moment
of clarity when you suddenly see what is
possible for you."
                                                     -christine kane
Because you cannot be everything to everyone...

The temptation is there and it is real. We want to work with as many people as possible, have a massive client pool, have our products in as many hands as possible.


The reality is that approach is putting you in an overcrowded sea, murky waters and you will be lost in the crowd.

Ever heard of a big fish in a small pond?


So many people I work with are shocked at the positive results of narrowing their niche to a very specific area of expertise or a subset market and then refining their ideal client to a very distinct persona.


My clients have been blown away by substantial growth....


...some to a point that they are creating waitlists, referring out clients and having to turn away business or hire to adjust to the growth.


Before creating your strategy or plan for your business, you need to start with knowing your niche and defining your Ideal Client - consider these two blocks part of the most critical aspects of your business foundation. 



"What if you had the clarity and focus your business deserves?"
The NIC Workshop is for you if you are:
  • Starting a new business

  • Currently running a business that you are either not reaching your goals or your business is running you

  • You know that you need guidance and accountability to get to the next level

  • Motivated to get into action quickly

  • Prepared to do the work 

  • Ready to take a deep dive to define both your niche and your ideal client persona

The Workshop
Session one -
know your niche
Image by Felipe Furtado

What is "niche"?

Surprising yet the question comes up quite often.


"Niche" is defined as a "distinct segment of the market" - did that help?


Niche may seem simple yet it is one of the most difficult areas for entrepreneurs to define and even more difficult to evolve.


In this session, I will help you to dive deep into your niche - whether you are starting new, refreshing your brand or preparing for change. Gaining clarity on what it is you do, your impact and key differentiators are critical for your clients and for your success.


As you further refine your niche or "niche down" deeper - you will discover more freedom and new opportunities to serve your clients at an even greater level.

Session two -
define your ideal client
Conference Crowd

Once you have nailed your niche, next step is to gain clarity on exactly who your business serves -

your Ideal Client.


You need to know your Ideal Client, really know them - down to where they live, preferred social media and the list goes on.


Why is this so important to you and your business?


When you are crystal clear on your Ideal Client persona:

  • you attract an audience of potential clients, not just random followers

  • your services and products are valued higher because your clients feel that they are designed for them

  • new opportunities arise as your Ideal Client Persona comes to life


Gaining clarity and focus on your Niche and your Ideal Client has the power to transform your business and take you to new heights you may have never even imagined!

"When my circle got smaller,
               my vision became clearer" - unknown



The NIC Workshop Bundle includes:


  • The  Sessions - (recorded live):

    • Session ONE: Niche

    • Session TWO: IDEAL CLIENT

  • Workbooks:

    • Niche Workbook - helping you to work out your niche, articulate the value & refine communications

    • Ideal Client Workbook - get to know your Ideal Client, gain clarity & insight into your Ideal Client and how to create a deeper connection, build trust and help to provide more profound results for your Clients

  • Supporting Resources:

    • Hypnosis

    • Meditation

    • Affirmation


  • You will have lifetime access to the sessions to go back & revisit as needed


  • Private Niche Ideal Client Session Investment: $2500+


  • Group NIC Workshop Investment: $249

Anchor 1

The NIC Workshop

2020-02-25 Nicole Colwell Edits Pt. 2-65

Workshop Sessions

2 Recorded Workshop Sessions

Deep Dive into Niche & Ideal Client

~ 2 Hours per Session


Image by Green Chameleon

Workbooks & Resources

Downloadable workbooks

designed to help you create a bespoke, detailed profile of both your niche and your ideal client persona

Ask an Expert


Additional resources to help you in your business:

Recorded Hypnosis

Recorded Meditation

Affirmations for Success


"clarity comes from action, not thought"
                                                           - marie forleo
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